A large portion of the Catholic faith centers on Jesus Christ, and more specifically his role as the Messiah and son of God. Practicing Catholics and Christians in general rely on the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead three days after he was crucified, giving rise the importance of Easter Sunday for Christians from all over the world. But despite the importance of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resulting resurrection, there is still unfortunately a lot of doubt amongst people of all religious backgrounds as to whether or not these events pertaining to Jesus actually happened. To help eliminate such doubt, we should start with the describing the events themselves in detail.

Now obviously no one was actually around right when Jesus rose again. But the first person who came to know that Jesus was risen was Mary Magdalene. She was noted to have visited the tomb of Jesus on the Sunday following His crucifixion only to find that the stone blocking the entrance to the tomb was pushed aside. After crying due to assuming that someone had stolen the body of Jesus, she eventually goes into the crypt, where she is met by two angels. After speaking with her briefly, someone appears to her side asking why she is crying. That person was Jesus Christ, having risen from the dead.

This general account of how Mary Magdalene, and ultimately the world as a whole, came to realize Jesus had risen from the dead is undisputed in the Gospel, having been confirmed by multiple writers. And although these events happened thousands of years ago, that does not invalidate the accounts themselves, just as people thousands of years from now cannot simply discount the Holocaust as something that never occurred. All of this undoubtedly helps validate the events surrounding Jesus Christ as real and not simply fabricated over the course of thousands of years.

People also argue that perhaps the disciples of Jesus Christ were actually hallucinating when they said that they saw Jesus Christ alive again and walking amongst them. However, when you really think about it, this point makes no sense, if only because the disciples never expected to see Jesus again. For all intents and purposes, they thought He was dead and effectively gone forever from the physical human world. Now does this mean that one or two couldn’t hypothetically hallucinate that Jesus was resurrected, if only due to their extreme emotional distress over His death in the first place? No, of course not. But this also wouldn’t jive with the fact that there were multiple unique accounts regarding the appearance of Jesus in the living world once again. So while a single hallucination may be plausible, the fact that multiple people witnessed Jesus for themselves discounts any possibility of hallucination explaining the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

With all of this being said, it is clear that the accounts of the disciples and many other people at the time all point to one thing, and that is that Jesus Christ was truly resurrected after his crucifixion. That fact was etched in history via inception of the Holy Bible and all of the writings therein, and remains just as accurate today as it was all those years ago.