Although there is quite a bit of debate regarding whether Jesus Christ was actually resurrected after his crucifixion, particularly in the scope of the Catholic religion, there is perhaps a more pressing question that has ramifications across the entire world, for people of all religions and even people who don’t actively practice any religion in particular. That question is quite simply: does God exist?

Given that almost all religions rely on a God or some sort of all-powerful entity, being able to confirm the existence (or lack of existence) of such an entity is paramount to validating these religions outright. Now whether each religion’s own version of “God” is the correct and accurate one is an entirely different story, but at least by confirming the existence of Him, each religion makes the cause for actually existing in the first place. And if people who aren’t religious currently were to ultimately learn that God truly does exist, they would almost certainly become religious themselves, with their belief system being completely altered by this revelation. Or if His existence is disproven, these people would be validated in their non-religious views and be able to live comfortably as atheists or non-religious people for the rest of their lives.

With all of this said, we will get right to the point on the actual question at hand: With near certainty, we as a society can confirm that God truly does exist. This conclusion was only possible to make fairly recently, thanks in large part to the many advances in science working in tandem with philosophical principles. For example, the big bang theory, which has only recently been more widely accepted by the greater scientific community, helps to confirm the instantaneous creation of the universe from absolutely nothing. But the only way such an event can occur is if an all-powerful creator wills the universe into existence. This all-powerful creator is God Himself.

In addition, formerly held beliefs regarding evolution (as hypothesized by Charles Darwin) have since been debunked due to the rate of evolution itself. Given the exponentially large number of permutations in DNA, it would be an infinitesimally small probability that life on Earth had “evolved” by random chance alone. Rather, the only way we could have evolved at the rate we did was through the intervention of a creator who dictated the evolution process.

And lastly, if we just look at all of the numerous physical constants that define our universe (the biggest example being the gravitational constant), it can be shown that each and every constant that defines our universe is perfectly fine-tuned to enable life to exist. Said differently, if even just one of the constants that define the universe were altered by the smallest fraction imaginable, life on earth would not be possible. But here we are. Using the same logic as my previous point, the fact that such physical constants align in our universe, despite having an infinitesimally small probability of occurring in the first place, can only be realistically and logically explained by the existence of God who dictated that those constants be perfectly fine-tuned for human life.

With all of this irrefutable evidence that essentially confirms the existence of God, we are still admittedly left with a lot of questions. For example, does God really care about us at all? Or what are God’s guiding principles for us as humans (i.e. which religion is actually the correct one)? Although practicing Catholics have their own answers to many of these questions through the Holy Bible, the rest of the world can at least rest assured knowing that some type of God does truly exist, helping to validate the concept of religion as a whole.